Could you please help the peoples of Africa in such historically unprecedented need?

Figures released by the United Nations World Food Program (Dec. 16, 2002) estimate that 38 million African people currently face starvation, and still more in the months ahead. The Just One Dollar for Africa Campaign seeks to gather funds for the acquisition and distribution of food and care to those African peoples in the gravest needs in regards to the starvation crisis and the orphan crisis.

Our Guarantee

This campaign guarantees that 100% of each dollar will go directly for the acquisition and distribution of food for the starving peoples of Africa and to the care of African orphans. To insure the absolute fulfillment of this promise that 100% of the donations reach our African brothers and sisters directly, we have traveled to Africa to establish independent contacts with already existing organizations.

These on-site organizations have the infrastructures in place that are working towards the goals of feeding those in the gravest danger of starvation and the care of orphans in regions where these crises are most prominent, specifically in countries such as Zimbia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, South Africa, and Ethiopia.

To further guarantee that 100% of each dollar goes directly to the African peoples, this campaign has received individual commitments from each on-site African organization being funded that donations will be used exclusively for the acquisition and distribution of food and care for the starving and orphans. Moreover, this campaign has received benefaction to assist in the administration of this project so as to safeguard completely that no administrative costs will be deducted from donations.

Who among us cannot spare just one dollar for our African brothers and sisters?

Yes!  I Want to Help!

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Just One Dollar for Africa
48765 Annapolis Road
Hopedale, OH 43976

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    Stories from the Missions

    The Sisters in Africa have sent us stories of how the donations are being used and who they are helping.

    The purchasing of food for orphans and poor families, medicines and medical expenses for some of those same families and orphans. Providing meals for the orphans during school, they eat breakfast and lunch there.

    The Sisters visit hospitals with meals for the lonely patients, who have no one else to visit them.

    They told us a story of a family whose Father is disabled and cannot work. The Mother tries to help by selling firewood and vegetables. There are 7 children in the family, a set of triplets, a set of twins and two other children. Food, clothing and medical supplies were given to help keep them alive and healthy. They are encouraging the Mother to take sewing lessons to help supplement their income.

    There are some children with albinism who are being helped with medical supplies, especially lotion that helps with their condition.